Many parents wish to know How to keep baby cool in the baby stroller, and it is necessary. Is summer approaching, and you fear that you are going to go on lockdown? You do not have to be. You can specify your vitamin D by keeping your baby cool in the stroller. That way, you and your little one can make the most of the spring and summer days.
Yes, babies mustn’t overheat or get sunburned, but there are things you can do to prevent it. While we don’t recommend taking your kids out on day trips during a heat wave, you can’t stay home in lockdown all summer. But babies can get extra hot and uncomfortable inside their strollers in the summer. Here are my favorite tips to keep your kids cool when they’re out on the town!
You are wondering how to stop the baby from overheating in a stroller. Here’s how to keep them cool.
How to keep baby cool in the baby stroller
You want to go out at the best times of the day – early morning and late afternoon. Avoid sun exposure during the day between 10 am and 2 pm. Here are some ways to ensure the baby stays cool and enjoys fresh air.
1, Keep them shaded
Strollers usually come with an umbrella of some sort, but they can be lacking when providing full shade from the sun. Invest in a cover that fits your stroller, protects your baby from harsh UV rays, and keeps them cool.
- These covers protect your little one from up to 99% of the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. This is important because sunburn is often associated with a higher risk of skin cancer later in life.
- The extended coverage of these canopies, like the Summer Infant, ensures that the sun doesn’t get in, no matter what time of day it is. They usually suit most brands of strollers and are fast and easy to construct.
- They can also be water-resistant, doubling as a rain cover. Some even have hold pockets, which are handy for maintaining extra hydrating drinks on board.
- Don’t be tempted to use blankets, even muslins, draped over the stroller to provide shade. This can be risky as the temperature inside the stroller will rise.
2. Dress sensibly
Babies and toddlers are still developing and cannot regulate their body temperature quickly. They trap excess heat, which can lead to overheating.
- Overdressing your toddler can cause heat rashes or overheat. Conversely, underdressing can lead to sunburn or heat stroke.
- Light, loose cotton clothes that cover your arms and legs are good choices. Cotton is breathable and will wick dampness away from their skin, helping them lose some of that heat.
- Another fabric that is becoming increasingly famous is bamboo. It absorbs sweat from the skin but, unlike cotton, does not retain it. Fabric wicks away dampness so it can disappear.
- Lighter colors are also better for toddlers because they reflect more light than darker colors.
- A final consideration in the clothing department is how valuable the hat is. One with a broad brim covering the neck and ears is ideal.
- A popular choice is the one I play. It gives good range and ties under the chin. This helps keep the hat in place, but unlike elastic cords, it won’t interfere with circulation.
3. Add a cooling stroller liner.
We all appreciate having a fan when the weather gets steamy and hot. They are battery-operated and can be attached to a stroller. Why doesn’t the baby get a fan that can be joined to their stroller?
- One of our choices is this one from Comlife. It has a sturdy clip that attaches to your stroller quickly and easily. The baby will love calling white noise or motion and the cooling from the swinging fan.
- The bonus of the stroller fan is that you can utilize it indoors too. Set it up to ventilate the air in the nursery, keeping baby cool during daytime naps or balmy summer nights.
4. Get a stroller seat liner.
Although you may think it will keep the baby warm and is only for use during cold weather, it is not. Many stroller seat liners, like this one from Ecotyl, are designed to wick away moisture and keep the baby cool and comfortable.
- Quick and easy to install, the liner is the perfect accessory for the summer outdoors. Some liners are made of breathable fabric and have an absorbent cushion. This will prevent overheating and sweating.
- Some stroller liners are filled with a gel designed to keep the baby calm. They work by moving heat away from the skin.
5. Keeping fluids flowing
Dehydration is an important consideration when the temperature gauge rises. If your baby is not accumulating adequate fluids, it can be risky for them. They will lose moisture through sweat, so increased fluid intake is essential.
- Breastfed babies obtain all the hydration they require from your milk. Increasing the amount of milk when warm will help prevent dehydration.
- Formula-fed babies will need extra formula, and babies older than six months may need excess water. However, don’t give more than a 4-ounce bottle of extra water.
- You can monitor whether your baby is dehydrated by checking how many wet diapers he has had compared to usual. Strong-smelling, dark-colored urine also indicates they are not getting enough fluids.
Increase airflow by removing the back panel.
It is necessary to realize if a baby is overheating and How to keep baby cool in the baby stroller. Some strollers have a removable back panel. Taking it off can help increase airflow around the baby and keep them cool.
Here are some warning signs you can look for that may indicate your baby is overheating:
• The face may be red and flushed.
• The fontanelle (the soft spot on the top of the head) appears sunken. Skin feels drier than usual to the touch.
• Feels more irritable or floppy than average and is lethargic. Less wet diapers than normal.
• Refusal to drink.
If you suspect that the baby is overheating with or without any of these symptoms, seek some medical advice.
Do’s and Don’ts
- We’ve already mentioned this, but this is an important point: don’t use blankets to shade the stroller. While it may keep the sun out, it will trap heat and overheat the baby.
- Do not go out in the afternoon sun. Try to time your visits when it’s more relaxed in the morning or afternoon.
- Walk in the shade whenever possible, or find a shady spot if you decide to stop. If you’re in a city, find a shade tree in a park or a large building.
I am assured that this article will be helpful for you on How to keep baby cool in the baby stroller. Keeping your baby cool in his stroller prevents dehydration and overheating and reduces the risk of heat stroke.
If you are going to take your toddler outside, avoid extreme heat and try to keep your toddler in the shade. You can use any combination of the above strategies to keep the baby calm and beat the heat on the go. One of the best things you can do before hiking is to ensure your child has a relaxed environment to return to.
Keeping the house cool also makes it more likely that your baby will be rested (and asleep) when you come back inside. You should also offer breast milk or formula for younger babies after they get home. Older children should be given more water. Don’t worry if your baby falls asleep right after you enter—being outside in the sun can wake the baby up.